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Automatic skewering machine Function introduction of meat skewering machine

Automatic skewering machine Function introduction of эт бышыргыч машина

Introduction of meat skewer machine:

The automatic stringing machine adopts advanced digital control technology, which organically combines sensor control and pneumatic control, and fully realizes the whole process of automatic sign-on and automatic stringing. The main machine is made of stainless steel and food-grade PE material, which meets the international food hygiene requirements. Desktop structure, small footprint, flexible and convenient movement, stable and reliable work, long service life; mobile PE meat skewer mold plate. It is easy to clean, and can be used for multiple purposes in one machine, which can meet various requirements of users for stringing.

Automatic skewering machine Function introduction of meat skewering machine-Козу кескич, уй этин кескич, козу/кой этин кийүүчү жип машина, уй этин кийүүчү жип машина, көп функциялуу жашылча кескич, тамак-аш таңгактоочу машина, Кытай фабрикасы, жеткирүүчү, өндүрүүчү, дүң сатуучу

Продукт өзгөчөлүктөрү:

Can wear cattle, sheep, chicken skewers, chicken skewers, chicken heart skewers, squid skewers, fish tofu, kelp and other forms. The skewer is uniform in size, clean and hygienic, without rubbing, and has a good taste: the user can add fat to any position of the skewer according to their preferences; the length of the skewer can be adjusted within the required range; it can be bumped and shaken at will, without falling pieces . This machine is ideal for kebab production!

колдонуу чөйрөсү:

The multi-functional stringing machine can string cattle, sheep, chicken string, chicken treasure string, chicken heart string, squid string, fish tofu, kelp and other forms. The skewer is uniform in size, clean and hygienic, without rubbing, and has a good taste. Users can add fat to any position of the skewer according to their preferences; the length of the skewer can be adjusted within the required range; it can be bumped and shaken at will without falling blocks. This machine is ideal for kebab production!

Тартуу машинасынын өзгөчөлүктөрү:

1. Desktop башкаруу, жылдыруу үчүн жеңил, кичинекей изи;

2. Автоматтык сенсор түрүндөгү пирсинг системасы ар дайым так жана туруктуу болуп, иш туруктуу;

3. пневматикалык берүү жана электр берүү айкалышы, уюштуруу так жана акылга сыярлык, тейлөө акысыз, жана узак кызмат мөөнөтү бар;