- 18
- Feb
Solusi pikeun masalah bocor daging sapi sareng daging kambing
Solusi pikeun masalah leakage sapi jeung pangiris daging domba
Pengiris daging sapi sareng domba beuki seueur dianggo di supermarkét, réstoran sareng tempat sanés. Alesan kunaon aranjeunna seueur dianggo kusabab pangiris daging sapi sareng daging kambing otomatis, saderhana sareng gancang, janten bakal ngahémat waktos. Upami anjeun mendakan sababaraha kasalahan leutik, sapertos bocor alat, solusi utama nyaéta:
1. Ngaganti cingcin sealing tina silinder suntik tina sapi jeung mutton slicer munggaran;
2. Mun gagal minor kapanggih dina tube dahar pakakas, tube dahar kudu diganti;
3. Clean the pneumatic valve of the beef and mutton slicer, and then replace the sealing gasket of the pneumatic valve;
4. Tighten the cutting nozzle of the slicer, and at the same time, replace the sealing gasket of the cutting nozzle of the beef and mutton slicer.
Before using the beef and mutton slicer, check whether the corresponding accessories are tight. If there is liquid leakage, replace the sealing ring or clean some corresponding accessories. Do regular maintenance and maintenance work to make the beef and mutton slicer have a longer service life. long.