- 09
- Feb
Njia za kupunguza kushindwa kwa kuzaa kwa kipande cha kondoo
Njia za kupunguza kushindwa kwa kuzaa kwa kipande cha kondoo
1. Uharibifu wa kuzaa ni sehemu muhimu ya ufungaji. Ikiwa ufungaji si sahihi, itasababisha moja kwa moja mabadiliko ya hali ya dhiki kati ya sehemu za seti nzima ya fani. Kuzaa kutaonekana mapema kwa sababu haifanyi kazi kawaida. Kushindwa na uharibifu huleta shida zisizo za lazima.
2. Before using the mutton slicer, perform a performance test on the bearing of the mutton slicer, monitor and check the load, speed, working temperature, vibration, noise and lubrication conditions of the bearing during operation, if found If there is an abnormal situation during use, the cause should be found immediately, and adjustments should be made to resume normal use.
3. Bearing maintenance. During the use of the mutton slicer, the machine should be maintained frequently. Lubrication of the bearing is in place, which is an important factor in reducing bearing failure.