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What kind of structure does the mutton slicer have?

What kind of structure does the birkaszeletelő van?

1. Lifting mechanism of pneumatic bottle: The frozen meat slicer and mutton slicer use a pneumatic bottle holder, and the compressed air can be recycled in the loop to reduce power consumption. Therefore, it has the function of self-buffering, the support is stable, and it saves time. .

2. Mechanikus és pneumatikus hibrid emelőmechanizmus: a palacktartóval felszerelt hüvely az üreges dugattyú mentén csúszhat, a négyzet alakú párna pedig vezető szerepet játszik, hogy megakadályozza a hüvely elhajlását felemeléskor.

3. Lifting mechanism of mechanical bottle: This kind of structure is relatively simple, but the working reliability is poor. The slice rises along the slideway, it is easy to squeeze the slice, and the quality of the slice is very high, especially the bottleneck cannot be bent, which is suitable for small half in an automated gas-free lamb slicer.

At the same time, the slicer is generally combined with the control of the cam guide rail to make the lifting movement of the slices fast, accurate and ensure the quality. This kind of equipment is widely used, especially for the isobaric slicer, because it has been equipped with an air compression device, so This structure is more commonly used.

What kind of structure does the mutton slicer have?-Bárányszeletelő, marhaszeletelő, bárány-/birkahús vágógép, marhahús vágógép, többfunkciós zöldségvágó, élelmiszer-csomagoló gép, kínai gyár, beszállító, gyártó, nagykereskedő