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Design requirements for mechanical structure of beef slicer based on digital environment

Design requirements for mechanical structure of beef slicer based on digital environment

In the process of transformation, the mechanical structure of the machine tool had to be redesigned and transformed. First of all, based on the design requirements of the mechanical structure of the beef slicer in the digital environment. It is necessary to carry out force analysis on the machine tool transmission shaft and other mechanical parts to ensure that the CNC machine tool can perform powerful cutting with a large amount of cutting. The force analysis is carried out in accordance with the machine tool industry standards and national standards. According to the force analysis and calculation results, it is determined to ensure the machining accuracy of the CNC transformation machine tool.

Design requirements for mechanical structure of beef slicer based on digital environment-Bárányszeletelő, marhaszeletelő, bárány-/birkahús vágógép, marhahús vágógép, többfunkciós zöldségvágó, élelmiszer-csomagoló gép, kínai gyár, beszállító, gyártó, nagykereskedő