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Pentinge tombol imbuhan saka slicer lamb

Pentinge tombol imbuhan saka pangiris lambe

The adjustment of the adjustment button of the mutton slicer not only affects the thickness and taste of the meat slice, but also affects the operation effect of the entire device, which plays an important role. Let’s understand the importance of the adjustment knob in which aspects?

1. Iku bisa èfèktif nyuda squeezing saka slicer mutton sak proses nglereni.

2. Kanthi nyetel tombol kekandelan nglereni, kacepetan push rod push daging bisa diganti kanggo nyukupi syarat ketebalan irisan daging beda.

3. Adjust the pre-pressure knob to ensure the stable operation of the lamb slicer during the cutting process.

Four. Convenient feeding and improve work efficiency. Ensure that the lamb slicer cuts to the correct size.

The adjustment knob of the lamb slicer plays an important role in the operation of the entire equipment, so regular maintenance should be done in normal use, which will help to extend the service life of the equipment.

Pentinge tombol imbuhan saka slicer lamb-Pengiris daging domba, pengiris daging sapi, mesin tali domba / daging kambing, mesin tali daging sapi, pemotong sayuran multifungsi, mesin kemasan pangan, pabrik China, pemasok, produsen, grosir