- 26
- Apr
Solusi kanggo bocor lenga saka slicer daging
Solusi kanggo bocor lenga saka pangiris daging wedhus
The mutton slicer is a kind of equipment that cuts mutton into slices. The operation of the equipment is inseparable from oil. In the process of use, if you do not pay attention to daily maintenance, it will inevitably cause oil leakage after a long time. How should this problem be solved?
1. Replace the sealing ring of the injection cylinder of the lamb slicer first.
2. Clean the pneumatic valve, and then replace the sealing gasket of the pneumatic valve.
3. If minor faults are found in the feeding tube, the feeding tube should be replaced.
4. Ngencengi nozzle blanking, lan ing wektu sing padha, ngganti gasket sealing saka nozzle blanking.
The blades of the mutton slicer have a unique arc-shaped design, which can make the mutton evenly distributed without causing damage to the mutton marinade, so that the tenderness and appearance of the mutton have been improved. At the same time, because of this setting, Oil spills frequently occur, so the after-sales service of the mutton slicer is very important and critical.
Yen slicer mutton bocor lenga, ngganti sawetara bagéan kayata ring segel, gasket lan nyelehake tabung ing wektu. Kajaba iku, cara operasi sing bener, reresik lan pangopènan sing biasa, lan pemeriksaan lan pangopènan biasa uga kudu ditindakake. Efektif nyegah bocor lenga.