- 22
- Feb
Solusi kanggo mriyang saka slicer daging beku
Solution to the fever of slicer daging beku
1. Sajrone operasi slicer daging beku, motor uga mlaku ing wektu sing padha. Motor bakal ngasilake panas sajrone operasi, sing minangka fenomena normal.
2. Observe carefully. If it is too hot, stop turning immediately to see if the current power is not available, and adjust the power to the frozen meat slicer.
3. Priksa apa motor wis burned metu. Yen motor wis diobong metu, ngganti motor ing wektu.
When using the frozen meat slicer to cut meat rolls, you should always pay attention to whether the surface of the machine is hot. Once it is hot, you can slow down or suspend the operation, maintain ventilation, and emit some heat.