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Lamb slicer manufacturers make the density of printed parts reach 93%

Lamb slicer manufacturers make the density of printed parts reach 93%

At the same time, the solvent partly volatilizes, printing layer by layer, until the end, take out the part and put it into the furnace for sintering. HPMetalJet provides 4x redundant nozzles and 2x print rods. The mutton slicer manufacturer has made the printed parts denser up to 93%, the production efficiency has been greatly improved, and the amount of adhesives has been significantly reduced. The HPMetalJet process is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5 HPMetalJet process metal 3D printing development strategy for the current metal 3D printing technology, such as inkjet deposition forming (NPJ), laser powder sintering forming (DMLS, SLS), laser powder cladding forming (SLM), laser near net forming ( LENS), electron beam melting technology (EBM).

Lamb slicer manufacturers make the density of printed parts reach 93%-Козу кескич, уй этин кескич, козу/кой этин кийүүчү жип машина, уй этин кийүүчү жип машина, көп функциялуу жашылча кескич, тамак-аш таңгактоочу машина, Кытай фабрикасы, жеткирүүчү, өндүрүүчү, дүң сатуучу