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Faktor yang mempengaruhi harga pemotong daging beku

Faktor yang mempengaruhi harga pemotong daging beku

With the rapid development of modern society, people’s living standards have also been continuously improved, and the catering industry has also developed rapidly. There have been many frozen meat slicers. The specifications and prices of these products are different, so what factors will affect them How about price positioning? It can be understood from the following aspects:

1, Motor:

Whether the power is safe and stable.

2. Reka bentuk badan:

Penampilan cantik, struktur yang stabil, pemotong daging beku berkualiti tinggi, bunyi yang rendah, penghirisan yang stabil, operasi yang jelas dan mudah.

3, weight:

The weight of the frozen meat slicer is different, and the price is also different.

4. ​​Bilah:

Whether the blades are sharp and wear-resistant, use imported high-quality alloy blades.

Now the types of frozen meat slicers have also increased, which brings convenience to the development of the catering industry, saves manpower and time, and also greatly reduces costs.

Faktor yang mempengaruhi harga pemotong daging beku-Penghiris kambing, penghiris daging lembu, mesin tali pakaian kambing/kambing, mesin tali pakai daging lembu, Pemotong sayur pelbagai fungsi, Mesin pembungkus makanan, kilang China, pembekal, pengilang, pemborong