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د لامبو سلیسر د تیلو څخه پاک سیسټم ګټې

د تیلو څخه پاک سیسټم ګټې د وری ټوټې ټوټې کوونکی

General machines need to be lubricated to run efficiently, but the lamb slicer has an oil-free system, which can run without adding oil to it when in use. What are the advantages of the machine with an oil-free system?

1. The automatic lubrication device for the transmission system of the mutton slicer, daily maintenance free of oil, avoids unnecessary wear due to lack of daily maintenance, and reduces the oil cost several times a year, which saves the cost of oil and reduces the manpower input.

2. High-power electric motor, mutton slicer can cut multiple mutton rolls at the same time.

3. د لیږد ډیزاین د قطع کولو سرعت، ټیټ شور او د ټول ماشین ښه ثبات ته وده ورکوي. د تیز کولو جوړښت د تیز کولو عملیات ډیر اسانه او خوندي کوي.

The mutton slicer and the oil-free system eliminates the need to add oil and clean up oil stains, reducing machine wear and tear, bringing convenience to cleaning, and saving maintenance costs. It will be used later. It’s easier.

د لامبو سلیسر د تیلو څخه پاک سیسټم ګټې-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler