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Standard de instalare a mașinii de feliere carne congelată

Standard de instalare a mașinii de feliere carne congelată

Frozen meat slicers often appear in various restaurants. Use the sharp blades on the machine to cut the frozen meat into slices to make the meat tender and delicious. During installation, if the following standards are met, the installation is successful:

1. The power cord, plug and socket are in good condition.

2, the safety device and the operation switches are normal.

3. The machine body is stable and the parts are not loose.

4. After confirming that there is no abnormality above, start the test operation of the equipment first, and then perform the operation.

Frozen Meat Slicer is composed of many parts. When installing, pay attention to tightening the various parts to ensure that there is no looseness. After successful installation, test run to check the installation results. After success, it can be used. When not in use, pay attention to cleaning for the next use.

Standard de instalare a mașinii de feliere carne congelată-Tăiător de miel, mașină de tăiat carne de vită, mașină de uzură de miel / oaie, mașină de tăiat carne de vită, tăietor de legume multifuncțional, mașină de ambalat alimente, fabrică din China, furnizor, producător, angrosist