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What causes the blade of the lamb slicer to stop turning?

What causes the blade of the krájač jahňacieho mäsa to stop turning?

1. Check the power supply and switch and keep them in good contact.

2. The rotary knife switch device of the mutton slicer is broken. Replace with a new switch.

3. Disassemble the machine protection, turn the fan blade of the blade motor with your hand, and see if the blade is rotating to check whether it is a transmission problem.

4. There are too many crumbs on the knife plate of the mutton slicer, which should be cleaned up in time.

5. Skontrolujte kontaktnú kefu na zadnom konci motora noža, či je poloha uvoľnenia dobrá.

What causes the blade of the lamb slicer to stop turning?-Krájač na jahňacie mäso, krájač na hovädzie mäso, stroj na opotrebenie jahňacieho / baranieho mäsa, stroj na opotrebenie hovädzieho mäsa, multifunkčný rezač zeleniny, stroj na balenie potravín, čínska továreň, dodávateľ, výrobca, veľkoobchodník