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Matters needing attention before operating the mutton slicer

Matters needing attention before operating the mutton slicer:

1. Check whether the wiring is correct according to the wiring diagram.

2. Check whether the electric and manual control devices are sensitive and reliable.

3. Check whether the running direction of the motor is correct.

4. Both traction sheave reduction box and hydraulic oil tank need to be refueled. The lubricating oil is added to the traction wheel, and the oil should be added to the plane line of the worm; the anti-wear hydraulic oil is added to the hydraulic oil tank, which is added to the oil level line.

5. Connect the oil pipe. Confirm that all components are in place, and then conduct a trial run.

Matters needing attention before operating the mutton slicer-Krájač na jahňacie mäso, krájač na hovädzie mäso, stroj na opotrebenie jahňacieho / baranieho mäsa, stroj na opotrebenie hovädzieho mäsa, multifunkčný rezač zeleniny, stroj na balenie potravín, čínska továreň, dodávateľ, výrobca, veľkoobchodník