- 28
- Feb
Kuchenjerera kushandiswa kwechando chekucheka nyama
Chengetedzo yekushandiswa kwe chando chekucheka nyama:
1. It is forbidden to randomly connect and pull the wires of the frozen meat slicer. The switch socket must be installed on the wall. When cleaning the equipment or cleaning, prevent water from splashing on the power supply.
2. Kana nyama yakaomeswa inocheka nyama ichishanda, kana emergency ikaitika, bhureki rekukurumidzira rinofanira kudzimwa nekukasika.
3. It is forbidden for non-staff to enter the work area without authorization.
4. Zvinorambidzwa zvachose kutaura nevamwe kubasa kuti tisaita tsaona.
5. Inorambidzwa zvachose kune vasiri vashandi kutora firimu.