- 28
- Mar
Maitiro ekuwedzera sei slicing kumhanya kwemombe uye mutton slicer
How to effectively increase the slicing speed of nyama yemombe uye mutton slicer
1. Chokutanga pane zvose, kana iwe uchida kuwedzera slicing speed yemombe uye mutton slicer, kusarudzwa kwechigadzirwa kunokosha zvikuru. Iwe unofanirwa kusarudza chigadzirwa chesimba uye modhi inokodzera kudiwa chaiko, kuti iwe ugone kushanda nekukurumidza.
2. Reduce the downtime of the beef and mutton slicer. How to reduce the downtime? This requires us to increase the reliability of the machine, in addition to adding some fault displays, rapid maintenance, automatic replacement of packaging materials, and so on.
3. Iinewo zvakawanda zvekuita nekushandiswa kwese uye kugadzirisa. Iyo chaiyo nzira yekushanda uye kuwedzera kweiyo slicing kumhanya kwemombe uye mutton slicer inogona kuve nechokwadi chekushanda kwayo kwakadzikama.