- 28
- Dec
Automatic meat skewers machine
Automatic meat skewers machine
The automatic skewers machine adopts advanced digital control technology, organically combines sensor control and pneumatic control, and fully realizes the whole process of automatic signing and automatic skewers machine. The host is made of stainless steel and food-grade PE material, which meets international food hygiene requirements. Desktop structure, small footprint, flexible and convenient movement, stable and reliable work, long service life; mobile PE meat skewers mold board. It is easy to clean and has multiple functions in one machine, which can meet the various requirements of users for stringing.
Automatic meat skewers machine parameters:
Features of Automatic Meat Skewer Machine:
1. Desktop control, nyore kufamba, diki tsoka;
2. Iyo auto-sensing tag-kuburikidza nehurongwa inogara yakarurama uye yakagadzikana, uye basa rakagadzikana;
3. Kusanganiswa kwepneumatic transmission uye magetsi ekufambisa, kurongeka kwakanyatsonaka uye kunonzwisisika, kuchengetedza-kusununguka uye hupenyu hurefu hwebasa;
4. Movable PE nyama skewers mold ndiro, nyore kuchenesa;
5. Iyo mold inogona kuchinjwa pamadiro kuti isangane nezvinodiwa zvezvigadzirwa zvakasiyana;
6. Ichi chigadzirwa chiri nyore kushanda uye chinogona kupfeka zvakasiyana-siyana zvenyama skewers, nyama tendon, ganda rehuku, squid, mwoyo yehuku, nyama yehuku, nezvimwewo;
7. Muchina uyu unoshandiswa kukurumidza tambo yekumhanyisa, hapana kukwesha, hutsanana uye kuchena, uye kuravira kwakanaka;
8. Vashandi vanogona kuwedzera mafuta kune chero nzvimbo ye nyama skewers maererano nezvavanoda;
9. Kureba kwe skewers kunogona kugadziriswa zvisina kufanira mukati mehutano hunodiwa;
10. Yakakodzera kukungurutsa nekukanya nyama yemhando dzakasiyana siyana uye skewers yenyama nyowani yemhando dzakasiyana siyana;
11. Suitable for all kinds of bamboo sticks (including iron sticks: the size of the sticks can be customized) and steel sticks.