- 19
- Jan
What are the superior performance of the frozen meat slicer?
What are the superior performance of the chando chekucheka nyama?
1. High efficiency. Double-guided propulsion system, which ensures the uniform advancement of the slices.
2. Frozen nyama slicer ine yakanaka kuchengetedza kuchengetedza kuita. Stainless simbi kesi iri musono welded yose.
3. Muchina uyu unogona kucheka marudzi akasiyana-siyana emapumburu, akadai semakororo akakasharara, matete matete, marefu marefu, mashizha akatwasuka, nezvimwewo, nemuchina mumwe kune zvinangwa zvakawanda.
4. The frozen meat slicer does not need to sharpen the knife, the design saves the user the trouble of sharpening the knife, and greatly reduces the user’s use cost.
5. Minus 18 degrees nyama rolls inogona kuchekwa pamushini pasina kunyunguduka, zvidimbu zvenyama hazvina kuputsika uye chimiro chakanaka uye chakanaka.
6. Zvose zvikamu zvekucheka zviri nyore kuchenesa, uye zvinogona kuparadzaniswa uye kuiswa pasina zvishandiso.