- 19
- Jan
What are the superior performance of the frozen meat slicer?
What are the superior performance of the slicer daging beku?
1. High efficiency. Double-guided propulsion system, which ensures the uniform advancement of the slices.
2. Slicer daging beku boga kinerja panyalindungan kaamanan alus. Kasus stainless steel ieu kelim dilas sakabéhna.
3. Mesin ieu bisa motong kaluar rupa-rupa gulungan, kayaning gulungan kasar, gulungan ipis, gulungan panjang, cadar lempeng, jeung sajabana, kalawan hiji mesin keur sababaraha kaperluan.
4. The frozen meat slicer does not need to sharpen the knife, the design saves the user the trouble of sharpening the knife, and greatly reduces the user’s use cost.
5. The minus 18 derajat gulungan daging bisa sliced dina mesin tanpa thawing, keureut daging teu pegat jeung bentukna rapih tur geulis.
6. Sadaya bagian motong anu gampang pikeun ngabersihan, sarta bisa disassembled tur dipasang tanpa parabot.