- 21
- Feb
Naon anu kuring kedah laksanakeun upami irisan anu dipotong ku daging sapi sareng daging domba rusak teuing?
Naon anu kuring kedah laksanakeun upami irisan anu dipotong ku daging sapi sareng daging domba rusak teuing?
Pas kuring ngadéngé sababaraha netizens ngalaporkeun masalah ieu, sensitipitas daging sapi jeung pangiris daging domba industri ngajadikeun urang sadar pikeun kahiji kalina yén aspic kudu kuat teuing.
Ngalembereh, sarta motong daging dina minus 5 derajat pikeun hasil pangalusna.
Naon merk slicer anjeun gaduh? Ieu ogé patali jeung kakuatan sabeulah jeung motor.
What brand of beef and mutton slicer is good, like the Youcheng beef and mutton slicer does not have this situation. On the one hand, the product quality of Youcheng Machinery itself is excellent, and the after-sales service personnel of the company’s beef and mutton slicing machine will train the customer’s knowledge in this area to prevent the meat from being sliced when it is severely frozen. The lamb slicer machine itself is also a good maintenance. The meat slicer of average quality will be more severe, and the power consumption will be very large.