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Kuzu dilimleme bıçağının sıcaklığı nasıl ölçülür

How to measure the temperature of the kuzu dilimleme bıçağı

1. Measure the temperature of the mutton slicer blade: paste or weld the thermocouple or thermal resistance sensor on the mutton slicer blade. Although this method is simple, the movement of the blade must be stopped during the measurement.

2.Use a thin thermocouple to reduce the heat capacity of the component as much as possible. The radiation thermometer used to measure the temperature of the object using the heat emitted by the object can measure the temperature of the lamb slicer blade in a non-contact manner without disturbing the temperature field. Such as a far infrared temperature measuring instrument, which can obtain very sensitive and accurate measurement results.

Kuzu dilimleme bıçağının sıcaklığı nasıl ölçülür-Kuzu dilimleyici, sığır dilimleyici, kuzu/koyun eti aşınma ipi makinesi, sığır eti aşınma ipi makinesi, Çok fonksiyonlu sebze kesici, Gıda paketleme makinesi, Çin fabrikası, tedarikçi, üretici, toptancı