- 29
- Dec
Suggestions for cleaning dirt of mutton slicer
Suggestions for cleaning dirt of qo’y go’shti kesgich
1. Dilimlagichga biriktirilgan barabanga ma’lum miqdorda suv quying va chiqindilarni suv bilan to’kib tashlang;
2. Yumshoq mato yoki detarjen bilan aralashtirilgan suvga botirilgan yumshoq cho’tka bilan artib oling va keyin toza suv bilan yuving;
3. Suvga ma’lum miqdorda detarjan yoki dezinfektsiyalovchi qo’shing va uni chelakka qo’shing va tozalash uchun chelakni aylantiring;
4. Tozalashdan so’ng, chelakning ichki qismini tozalash uchun yuqori bosimli suv tabancasından foydalaning va chelakdagi suvni to’kish uchun drenaj teshigi pastga qaragan holda chelakni burang.
In addition, we would like to remind you that during the cleaning process of the mutton slicer, we should avoid directly spraying the bearing seat of the mutton slicer with water, and try not to let it come into contact with water in some corners of the control panel of the electrical box, because this It can prolong the service life of the mutton slicer.