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The reason why frozen meat slicer is widely used

Isizathu sokuthi kungani isiceli senyama eqandisiwe isetshenziswa kabanzi

1. The whole machine is made of stainless steel, which is clean and hygienic.

2. Each piece of 2.5-25kg, 700×520×100(mm) frozen meat at 0℃~-18℃ can be directly cut into blocks or slices within one minute, which is the front line of chopper and meat grinder process.

3. The use of mutton slicer frozen meat slicer can avoid pollution and loss of nutrients during the slowing process, ensure the freshness of the meat, and save the refrigeration process of adding ice, which greatly reduces the user’s refrigeration costs and saves costs.

4. Ifakwe idivayisi yokuvikela ezenzakalelayo.

5. Inesiteji sokusebenza kwenyama eluhlaza, elula futhi esindisa umsebenzi. I-slideway nenyama eluhlaza azikho ebangeni elifanayo, futhi ngeke kube khona ukungcoliswa kwezinto zokusetshenziswa.

6. Isakhiwo se-welding jikelele siyamukelwa, okuyi-shockproof, umsindo ophansi, umshini ozinzile nokusebenza okuhle.

7. I-hydraulic pushing device yamukelwa ukusheshisa ukusebenza kahle komsebenzi futhi ngesikhathi esifanayo iqinisekisa ukuphepha kwabaqhubi.

In order to better use the frozen meat slicer of the mutton slicer, we need to clean it before and after use, maintain it, and at the same time prolong the service life, the quality of the sliced ​​meat is better.

The reason why frozen meat slicer is widely used-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler