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What are the requirements for the vacuum degree of the beef and mutton slicer?

What are the requirements for the vacuum degree of the beef and mutton slicer?

1. Air pumping and sealing are performed on the beef and mutton slicer, and the air in the packaging container is pumped out by a vacuum pump. After reaching a certain degree of vacuum, the air is sealed immediately, and the vacuum tumbler makes the packaging container form a vacuum state. The former is to heat the container filled with beef and mutton slicer, and to discharge the air in the packaging container through the thermal expansion of the air and the evaporation of water in the food, and then after sealing and cooling, the packaging container forms a certain degree of vacuum.

2. Compared with the heating and exhausting method, the air extraction and sealing method of the beef and mutton slicer can reduce the heating time of the contents and better preserve the color and aroma of the food. Therefore, the air extraction sealing method is widely used, especially It is more suitable for products with slow heating and exhaust conduction.

What are the requirements for the vacuum degree of the beef and mutton slicer?-Bárányszeletelő, marhaszeletelő, bárány-/birkahús vágógép, marhahús vágógép, többfunkciós zöldségvágó, élelmiszer-csomagoló gép, kínai gyár, beszállító, gyártó, nagykereskedő