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How to reduce the noise of lamb slicer

Carane ngurangi gangguan saka pangiris lambe

1. Tambah liner nyandhang-tahan kanggo menehi hasil karo gangguan saka impact.

2. Regarding the rotating parts of the mutton slicer, carefully balance and calibrate the balance, and then reduce the gap between the tapered bushing and the eccentric shaft to reduce the oscillation intensity.

3. Tambah bahan damping kanggo nutupi cangkang pigura, sing bisa nyuda permukaan radiasi swara.

4. When the lamb slicing machine is working, the speed of feeding the meat cannot be too slow or too fast. The decrease in the production speed will also increase the wear level of the machine blades.

5. Pangopènan lan pangopènan sing kerep. Bantalan mesin asring diisi minyak, sing bisa nyuda gangguan lan nambah umur layanan mesin.

Reduce the noise of the mutton slicer, and make the user feel comfortable when cutting mutton slices. At the same time, regular knife sharpening, refueling, and replacement of accessories can reduce the noise of the machine.

How to reduce the noise of lamb slicer-Pengiris daging domba, pengiris daging sapi, mesin tali domba / daging kambing, mesin tali daging sapi, pemotong sayuran multifungsi, mesin kemasan pangan, pabrik China, pemasok, produsen, grosir