- 18
- Mar
Ways to avoid danger when using lamb slicer
Cara kanggo nyegah bebaya nalika nggunakake pangiris lambe
1. When the machine is working, do not put your hands and other foreign objects into the shell to avoid danger.
2. Priksa kanthi teliti apa ana cacat, kerusakan, utawa longgar ing mesin pemotong kanggo mesthekake yen mesin kasebut ing kondisi apik.
3. Check whether there is any foreign matter in the shell, and remove the foreign matter in the shell, otherwise it is easy to cause damage to the blade.
4. Ngresiki situs operasi, mriksa apa voltase sumber daya konsisten karo voltase digunakake dening mesin, lan apa tandha grounding andal disambungake menyang kabel lemah.
5. Nutup saklar banjur pencet tombol “ON” kanggo mriksa apa arah rotasi bener (nalika ngadhepi pusher dial, iku bener kanggo muter pusher dial counterclockwise), yen ora, Cut mati daya lan nyetel wiring.