- 09
- Sep
What problems should be paid attention to when transporting beef and mutton slicers
What problems should be paid attention to when transporting beef and mutton slicers
1. Transportasi: Saliyane cara pengepakan sing ditemtokake dening pangguna, ing proses ngeterake pemotong daging sapi lan daging kambing, pemotong tendon daging sapi umume dikemas kanthi cara sing prasaja, lan kudu ditangani kanthi ati-ati supaya ora tabrakan.
2. Sawise nangani lan unpacking, sampeyan bisa nggunakake forklift kanggo ngeterake ing ngisor kothak utama ing ngarepe daging sapi lan mutton slicer, nanging dawa sikil garpu cukup dawa ngluwihi blok salib mesin.
3. Ing proses ngobahake pemotong daging sapi lan wedhus, pabrikan pengiris tendon daging sapi kudu tansah nggatekake manawa arah pangiris daging sapi lan daging kambing akurat, lan ing wektu sing padha, tansah menehi perhatian marang lingkungan sing cedhak. supaya ora tabrakan.
4. After the production location of the equipment is selected, when the beef and mutton slicer is parked on the ground, relevant staff should be nearby to support it, so as to prevent the equipment from rolling over due to the unevenness of the parking, which will bring damage to the equipment. unnecessary damage.
5. After the beef and mutton slicer is placed flat, it must be tested before the timing of power connection.