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The following aspects should be paid attention to when using the mutton slicer

The following aspects should be paid attention to when using the қой етін турағыш

1. When disassembling the mutton slicer, loosen the upper and lower set screws, remove the liquid injection system for overall disinfection, or disassemble for disinfection and cleaning separately.

2. There may be errors in the actual slicing, please measure with a measuring cylinder before the formal slicing.

3. When cleaning the mutton slicer, place the liquid inlet pipe in the cleaning solution to start cleaning.

4. Be careful when cleaning and disassembling the blade, wear protective gloves to prevent the blade from hurting your hands.

5. The mutton slicer cannot be cleaned by spraying water, because the inside of the slicer is the motor that drives the slicing and the circuit that controls the movement, and it is easy to cause electric shock damage and damage to the equipment circuit when it is used with water.

The following aspects should be paid attention to when using the mutton slicer-Қой етін кескіш, сиыр етін кескіш, қой/қой етін киюге арналған машина, сиыр етін киюге арналған машина, көп функциялы көкөніс кескіш, тағамды орау машинасы, Қытай зауыты, жеткізуші, өндіруші, көтерме сатушы