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Features of beef and mutton slicer

өзгөчөлүктөрү уй жана кой этин кескич

1.: High processing efficiency, 1s/knife.

2: Automatic numerical control operation, saving labor and labor cost;

3: Covered by stainless steel case, high safety;

4: The whole machine is welded, with beautiful appearance and generous appearance;

5: The cutter can be adjusted for coarse rolls, fine rolls, and free settings;

6: No need to thaw, the shape is beautiful, and it is automatically rolled;

7: The parts are easy to clean, saving worry and effort.

Features of beef and mutton slicer-Козу кескич, уй этин кескич, козу/кой этин кийүүчү жип машина, уй этин кийүүчү жип машина, көп функциялуу жашылча кескич, тамак-аш таңгактоочу машина, Кытай фабрикасы, жеткирүүчү, өндүрүүчү, дүң сатуучу