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How to Fine-Tune the Beef and Mutton Slicer

How to Fine-Tune the Beef and Mutton Slicer

1. Strictly follow the wiring diagram of the beef and mutton slicer, check whether the wiring is correct, whether the manual control of jog and stop control is correct and reliable, and whether the direction of the main motor is correct.

2. Lubricating oil should be added to the reduction gearbox of the traction wheel, and the oil level should be kept above the worm. The hydraulic oil tank should be filled with anti-wear hydraulic oil on the oil level line.

3. Connect the oil pipe according to the working principle, and after confirming that the components and the system are not blocked, start the dry run test run of the beef and mutton slicer.

How to Fine-Tune the Beef and Mutton Slicer-Козу кескич, уй этин кескич, козу/кой этин кийүүчү жип машина, уй этин кийүүчү жип машина, көп функциялуу жашылча кескич, тамак-аш таңгактоочу машина, Кытай фабрикасы, жеткирүүчү, өндүрүүчү, дүң сатуучу