- 10
- Mar
Nzira dzekudzivirira njodzi kana uchishandisa nyama yemombe uye mutton slicer
Ways to avoid danger when using nyama yemombe uye mutton slicer
1. Kana nyama yemombe uye mutton slicer ichishanda, usaise maoko ako nezvimwe zvinhu zvekunze mugoko kuti udzivise njodzi.
2. Nyatsotarisa kana pane kukanganisa, kukanganisa, kana kusununguka mumushini wekucheka kuti uone kuti muchina uri mumamiriro akanaka.
3. Tarisa kana pane imwe nyika yekunze muhombodo yemombe uye mutton slicer, uye bvisa nyaya yekunze muhombodo, kana zvisina kudaro zviri nyore kukonzera kukanganisa kune blade.
4. Clean the operation site, check whether the power supply voltage is consistent with the voltage used by the machine, and whether the grounding mark is reliably connected to the ground wire.
5. Close the switch and press the “ON” button to check whether the direction of rotation is correct (when facing the pusher dial, it is correct to rotate the pusher dial counterclockwise), otherwise, cut off the power and adjust the wiring.