- 02
- Jun
What are the advantages of small mutton slicer
Ndezvipi zvakanakira diki mutton slicer
1. Mhando dzakasiyana-siyana dzekucheka, kucheka uye kuputira nyama mumushini mumwe
The meat roll does not need to be thawed, it can be directly operated on the machine, and can be cut into a variety of roll shapes, which solves the problems of mechanical slicing and high failure rate, and truly realizes full automation. The user does not have to worry about the thickness of the slices. The thread thickness of the slicer is adjusted, and the thickness of the sliced meat is automatically fixed. , make the meat column stronger, the blade adopts stainless steel hardened blade, which is sharp, durable, safe and reliable;
2. Zviri nyore kurodza banga, kushanda kwepamusoro kwekucheka ndeye 99% yakachena kufamba kwemhangura, motokari inotora coil yakachena yemhangura, uye coil yakachena yemhangura inopesana nekushisa kwepamusoro; kunze kwenyika blade uye bhandi uye otomatiki lubrication mudziyo inoshandiswa, ine simba rakasimba uye matete zvimedu; kuti zvive nyore kushandisa Slicer blade kurodza, yakavakirwa-mukati-otomatiki yekurodza mudziyo, kurodza banga kana iwe uchida kurodza banga, turbine worm inotenderedza mudziyo, zvinobudirira kurebesa hupenyu hwesevhisi yemuchina, kuitira kudzivirira dambudziko rekugadzirisa muchina panguva kushandiswa kwebhizimisi, hukuru hwemhuri Diki, nyore kushanda, chaizvoizvo hapana kugadzirisa kunodiwa mukushandiswa kwezuva nezuva, uye vatengesi vanogona kuishandisa nechivimbo.