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What are the advantages of small mutton slicer

Yiziphi izinzuzo ze i-mutton slicer encane

1. Izinhlobo ezahlukene zokusika, ukusika nokusonga inyama emshinini owodwa

The meat roll does not need to be thawed, it can be directly operated on the machine, and can be cut into a variety of roll shapes, which solves the problems of mechanical slicing and high failure rate, and truly realizes full automation. The user does not have to worry about the thickness of the slices. The thread thickness of the slicer is adjusted, and the thickness of the sliced ​​meat is automatically fixed. , make the meat column stronger, the blade adopts stainless steel hardened blade, which is sharp, durable, safe and reliable;

2. Kulula ukulola ummese, ukusebenza kahle okuphezulu kokusika kungu-99% ukunyakaza kwethusi okuhlanzekile, injini ithatha ikhoyili yethusi ehlanzekile, kanti ikhoyili yethusi ehlanzekile imelana nokushisa okuphezulu; kusetshenziswa i-blade nebhande kanye nedivayisi yokugcoba okuzenzakalelayo, enamandla anamandla nezingcezu ezincane; ukuze kube lula ukusetshenziswa kokulola i-Slicer blade, umshini wokulola othomathikhi owakhelwe ngaphakathi, ukulola ummese lapho ufuna ukulola ummese, i-turbine worm ezungezisa idivayisi, ukwandisa ngempumelelo impilo yesevisi yomshini, ukuze ugweme inkinga yokugcinwa komshini ngesikhathi ukusetshenziswa kwebhizinisi, usayizi omncane wendlu Encane, kulula ukuyisebenzisa, ngokuyisisekelo akukho sondlo esidingekayo ekusetshenzisweni kwansuku zonke, futhi abathengisi bangayisebenzisa ngokuzethemba.

What are the advantages of small mutton slicer-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler