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Matters needing attention when mutton slicer is packaged and transported

Matters needing attention when hilibka hilibka lo’da is packaged and transported

1. Gaadiidka: Marka lagu daro habka baakadaha ee uu cayimay isticmaaluhu, habka gaadiidka, jeexjeexa hilibka hilibka lo’da ayaa guud ahaan loo xiraa hab fudud, waana in si taxadar leh loo maareeyaa si looga fogaado isku dhac.

2. After the production location of the equipment is selected, when it is parked on the ground, there should be relevant staff nearby to assist, so as to prevent the equipment from rolling over due to the uneven parking and causing unnecessary damage.

3. Ka dib markaad qabato oo aad furto, waxaad isticmaali kartaa gaadhi fargeeto ah si aad fargeeto ugu dhejiso sanduuqa ugu weyn ee ka soo baxa hilibka hilibka lo’da, laakiin dhererka cagaha fargeetada ayaa dheer oo ku filan inuu ka sarreeyo mashiinka mashiinka.

4. Inta lagu jiro habka socodka, waa inaad had iyo jeer u fiirsataa in jihadu sax tahay, isla markaana, had iyo jeer u fiirso deegaanka u dhow si aad uga fogaato isku dhac.

Matters needing attention when mutton slicer is packaged and transported-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler