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Sharing of grease removal methods for frozen meat slicers

Sharing of grease removal methods for jarjar hilib barafaysan

Teach you a new method to control oil with rice soup. The rice soup itself has the effect of removing oil stains. You can apply the thick rice soup to the metal surface and crevices. After the rice soup has dried and scabs, gently scrape it with a small iron sheet. The oil stains will be removed along with the rice soup. If you find it more troublesome, you can use some thinner rice soup or noodle soup. The effect of removing oil stains is also good. If the metal products are not well maintained, it will not only affect the appearance, but also affect their service life, so we must pay more attention.

Dabcan, isticmaalka biyaha qabow iyo saabuunta waxay sidoo kale yeelan kartaa saameyn saliideed oo gaar ah, laakiin habkani waa in wasakhda saliidda aysan nadiif ahayn. Haddii aad rabto inaad si fiican uga takhalusto wasakhda saliidda, isticmaal biyo kulul. Haddii ay jiraan waxyaabo badan oo saliid ah oo wasakhda saliidda leh ay adag tahay in lagu saaro saabuunta guud, waxyaalahan ku rid dheri weyn oo karkari. Biyaha kulul ayaa xal u ah xakamaynta saliidda, mar haddii dheri lagu kariyo, marka biyuhu kululaadaan, wasakhda saliidda ee madax-adayggu si dabiici ah ayey u dhacaysaa. Haddii ay wali saliid ku jirto meelaha qaarkood, waxaad isticmaali kartaa cadayga si aad uga saarto.

Sharing of grease removal methods for frozen meat slicers-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler