- 16
- Mar
Detailed explanation of the safety device of the beef and mutton slicer
Detailed explanation of the safety device of the daging sapi jeung mutton slicer
1. Hiji sistem panyalindungan interlocking listrik kudu nyetél pikeun neukteuk off catu daya organisasi anu bahaya alatan operasi worker.
2. Install an alarm device. When the load is about to reach the rated capacity, the beef and mutton slicer will send out a reminder alarm signal; when the Heda exceeds the rated capacity (adjustable), it can automatically cut off the power immediately and send out an alarm signal.
3. Bagian listrik tina slicer daging sapi jeung mutton ieu dilengkepan panyalindungan listrik kayaning panyalindungan pondok-circuit, panyalindungan leuwih-ayeuna, sarta panyalindungan grounding, nu bisa dianggo stably dina kaayaan aman.
4. Bagian puteran anu ngagaduhan résiko cidera jalma kedah dilengkepan ku panutup pelindung.
When the beef and mutton slicer is designed, the safety device is a part of it. Its appearance reduces the probability of machine failure and also protects the safety of the user. Once a danger occurs, the power supply will be cut off to protect the equipment.