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Precautions when purchasing an automatic beef and mutton slicer

Precautions when purchasing an automatic daging sapi jeung mutton slicer

1. Look at the quality of the blade. The quality of the blade of the beef and mutton slicer determines the service life and slicing speed of the entire slicer. There are two kinds of blades: imported and domestic. Imported blades are better than domestic blades in terms of quality, but the price is higher. When purchasing, it depends on the economic strength. Considering all kinds of cost-effectiveness, whether you choose imported or domestic blades, you must choose products from big brands, which is guaranteed.

2. Look at the number of compressors. The beef and mutton slicer has a single motor and a double motor. The double motor is driven by one motor for cutting meat and pushing the meat. . The motor of the good beef and mutton slicer is stainless steel, and the bad one may be plastic.

3. Ningali mode operasi sabeulah, seuseueurna aranjeunna nganggo unsur struktural pikeun muterkeun sabeulah tunggal, ragaji sirkular bakal otomatis ngageser ka handap nalika daging macét, sareng sababaraha slicers kualitas luhur nganggo ranté pikeun nyetir sabeulah. pikeun muterkeun, sarta cacing turbin drive kaluaran. .

Precautions when purchasing an automatic beef and mutton slicer-Pengiris Domba, Pengiris Sapi, Mesin Senar Domba/Kambing, Mesin Senar Daging Sapi, Pemotong Sayur Multifungsi, Mesin Pembungkus Makanan, Pabrik Cina, Pemasok, Pabrikan, Grosir