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Prinsip pamakéan slicer daging beku

The principle of use of slicer daging beku

1. The frozen meat slicer uses the cutting knife to rotate at a high speed to cut frozen meat into meat slices of different thicknesses. The frozen meat is cut into meat slices without thawing, which can save the frozen meat thawing process and improve work efficiency. Used in conjunction with the chopper, not only prolongs its service life, but also is an indispensable equipment in meat processing.

2. Slicers daging beku béda boga métode béda. Contona, pikeun ngolah sél atawa jaringan, make péso kaca atawa péso inten pikeun nyieun bagian ipis.

3. Meat foods must be frozen and hardened moderately, generally above “-6°C”, and should not be overfrozen. If the meat is too hard, it should be thawed first. The meat must not contain bones to avoid damage to the blade; and press it with a meat press. Adjust the thickness knob to set the desired thickness.

Prinsip pamakéan slicer daging beku-Pengiris Domba, Pengiris Sapi, Mesin Senar Domba/Kambing, Mesin Senar Daging Sapi, Pemotong Sayur Multifungsi, Mesin Pembungkus Makanan, Pabrik Cina, Pemasok, Pabrikan, Grosir