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Beef and mutton slicer troubleshooting

Beef and mutton slicer troubleshooting

Pengiris daging sapi sareng daging domba tiasa mendakan fénoména abnormal anu béda dina prosés kerja. Upami éta henteu tiasa direngsekeun dina waktosna, éta bakal gancang mangaruhan pangaruh nyiksikan sareng ogé tiasa nyababkeun karusakan kana slicer. Editor di handap ieu bakal ngenalkeun ka anjeun masalah umum tina slicers sareng solusi anu saluyu.

1. Slicer teu gerak lancar. Dina waktos ieu, anjeun tiasa nambihan minyak pelumas kana aci anu ngagerakkeun slicer. Lamun hawa ambient leuwih handap 0 ℃, nyuntik low-suhu minyak tahan; dina waktos anu sareng, leres ngaluyukeun aci pasagi pindah of slicer nu. The screw tightening handap.

2. Lamun aya Geter atawa slight noise dina prosés kerja slicer, pariksa heula naha workbench na stabil sarta naha mesin ieu disimpen datar; lajeng pariksa naha bolts mesin téh leupas, pariksa naha minyak lubricating dipaké nepi di bagian pindah tina mesin, jeung pariksa naha sabeulah téh leupas Antosan.

3. When the slicer is slicing, the machine is weak, which may be caused by the aging of its capacitor, so check the capacitor of the slicer and repair it in time according to the actual situation, so that the slicer can return to the normal and stable working process.

The slicing machine produced by qualified manufacturers can achieve multiple functions in one machine, as long as it is equipped with different molds, products of different specifications can be produced, and the product density is uniform and the strength is high. The design of the slicer itself also has many advantages. For example, its shell is made of plastic-sprayed and stainless steel, and the cutting knife is made of steel, which is both wear-resistant and durable; the overall appearance is beautiful, the structure is simple, and the maintenance is convenient; in addition, it has high speed, High efficiency, low price, time-saving and labor-saving features.

Beef and mutton slicer troubleshooting-Pengiris Domba, Pengiris Sapi, Mesin Senar Domba/Kambing, Mesin Senar Daging Sapi, Pemotong Sayur Multifungsi, Mesin Pembungkus Makanan, Pabrik Cina, Pemasok, Pabrikan, Grosir