- 13
- Apr
Ukuran pikeun ngeureunkeun rotasi sabeulah mesin motong domba
Ukuran pikeun ngeureunkeun rotasi sabeulah mesin motong domba
When we use any kind of equipment, we often encounter sudden stoppage of operation. When we use the lamb slicer, we also encounter the phenomenon that the blade stops rotating. What caused it?
1. Pariksa catu daya sarta switch, sarta tetep dina kontak alus.
2. Paranti switch péso buleud tina slicer mutton rusak. Ganti ku switch anyar.
3. Leupaskeun panyalindungan mesin, balikkeun sabeulah kipas tina motor sabeulah jeung leungeun anjeun ningali lamun sirah cutter ieu puteran mariksa naha éta téh masalah transmisi.
4. Aya loba teuing scraps daging dina piring péso tina slicer mutton, jadi kudu cleaned up dina waktu.
5. Pariksa sikat kontak dina tungtung pungkur motor sabeulah ningali lamun posisi release téh alus.
When we use the mutton slicer to cut mutton slices, we must pay attention to the rotation of the blade, add lubricant in time, replace the blade regularly, and do a good job of maintenance work to make the slicer last longer.