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How to choose a suitable lamb slicer

如何選擇合適的 羊肉切片機

First of all, we need to check whether the packaging of the machine is normal, whether the labels and many attention signs are complete, and whether the packaging joints of the machine are flat.

其次,我們需要聽聽機器的聲音。 我們可以先聽聽電機的聲音是否正常,電機驅動減速機的聲音是否過大。 另外,聽聽機器本身的噪音是否太大。 組件在機器中安裝非常精細,運行後噪音不會很大。 如果機器的內部潤滑系統不完善,機器的噪音就會過大,會出現異響。

Finally, we can look at the effect of the machine and the effect of slicing. If the machine is of good quality and is produced by a regular manufacturer, then the cut meat rolls will have uniform thickness and beautiful shape. Otherwise, the thickness of the meat rolls will be different. Uniform question!

How to choose a suitable lamb slicer-羊肉切片機,牛肉切片機,羊肉/羊肉穿線機,牛肉穿線機,多功能切菜機,食品包裝機,中國工廠,供應商,製造商,批發商