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Matters needing attention in the use of beef and mutton slicer

Matters needing attention in the use of beef and mutton slicer

1. In case of an emergency during the use of the beef and mutton slicer, immediately stop the button and unplug the power plug.

2. When the machine is running, hands or other parts of the body must not enter the area near the blade, meat cutting table, and thickness adjustment plate.

3. Be careful when cleaning and disassembling the blade of the beef and mutton slicer. Wear protective gloves to prevent the blade from hurting your hands.

4. If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced immediately.

Matters needing attention in the use of beef and mutton slicer-Máy thái thịt cừu, Máy thái thịt bò, Máy xâu thịt cừu / thịt cừu, Máy xâu thịt bò, Máy cắt rau củ đa chức năng, Máy đóng gói thực phẩm, Nhà máy Trung Quốc, nhà cung cấp, nhà sản xuất, nhà bán buôn