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减少轴承失效的方法 羊肉切片机

1、轴承的损坏是安装时的重要环节。 如果安装不正确,将直接导致整套轴承各部件之间受力状态的变化。 由于轴承未处于正常运行状态,会出现过早失效损坏,带来不必要的麻烦。

2、使用前,对设备轴承的运行情况进行性能试验,对运行中轴承的载荷、转速、工作温度、振动、噪声及润滑情况等进行监测和检查。 使用过程中如发现异常情况,应立即查明原因,进行调整,使其恢复正常使用。

3. Bearing maintenance, the maintenance of the machine should be maintained frequently during the use of the equipment, and the lubrication of the bearing in place is an important factor in reducing bearing failure.

Before using the mutton slicer, try running it first, carefully observe the operation, pay attention to the method during installation, and maintain the bearing more in the later period, which can reduce the probability of bearing failure and improve the slicing efficiency of the machine.
