- 03
- Nov
What is the cleaning method of the mutton slicer?
What is the cleaning method of the skaapsnyer?
1. You can add an appropriate amount of water to the drum attached to the mutton slicer, which is conducive to the discharge of impurities; then, you can use some soft cloth or soft brush, and wipe with water mixed with detergent, After wiping, rinse once with clean water.
2. After the above cleaning work is completed, first prepare an appropriate amount of water, then add a certain amount of detergent into the barrel of the mutton slicer, and make the barrel rotate for cleaning; after cleaning, use a high-pressure water gun to clean the barrel , and simply turn the bucket with the drain hole facing down until the water in the bucket drains.
3. In die proses van skoonmaak is daar egter nog ‘n paar probleme waaraan aandag gegee moet word. Water kan byvoorbeeld nie direk op die laersitplek van die skaapsnyer gespuit word nie, en die beheerpaneel van die elektriese boks moet nie met water in aanraking kom nie. Die invloed van water, wat skade, roes en ander probleme tot gevolg het, sal die gebruik van die toerusting beïnvloed.