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Installationsprozess der Gefrierfleischschneidemaschine

Installationsprozess der Gefrierfleischschneidemaschine

Gefrorener Fleischschneider is widely used in the catering industry. Before we use it, we need to install it. The installation process also needs to be understood. What is its installation process? Before installation, these processes need to be understood.

1. Check whether the power cord, plug and socket of the frozen meat slicer are in good condition.

2. Check whether the safety devices and operation switches are normal.

3. Confirm that the frozen meat slicer is stable and the parts are not loose.

4. Nachdem Sie sich vergewissert haben, dass keine Anomalie vorliegt, starten Sie den Probebetrieb des Gefrierfleischschneiders, bevor Sie fortfahren.

frozen meat slicer is composed of multiple accessories. During the installation process, you must strictly follow the process, and pay attention to safety, especially the knife edge. After installation, test run and check.

Installationsprozess der Gefrierfleischschneidemaschine-Lammschneidemaschine, Rinderschneidemaschine, Lamm- / Hammel-Schnurmaschine, Rindfleisch-Schneidemaschine, Multifunktions-Gemüseschneider, Lebensmittelverpackungsmaschine, China-Fabrik, Lieferant, Hersteller, Großhändler