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Kepiye cara ngatasi swarane daging sapi lan daging kambing

How to deal with the noise of slicer daging sapi lan wedhus

1. For beef and mutton slicing machine, you must learn to distinguish different sounds and keep in mind these sounds. If you find that you hear different sounds when shooting arrows, you must stop it and screw on each part. Check the tightness.

2. Umumé ngandika, paling saka gangguan abnormal saka daging sapi lan mutton slicer disebabake ngawut-awut ngeculke. Sampeyan perlu kanggo berkembang pakulinan apik mriksa peralatan sadurunge esthi, lan mbayar manungsa waé khusus kanggo gangguan abnormal saka mesin nalika digunakake. .

If the beef and mutton slicer makes noise, first check whether the screws are loose. If so, immediately stop the machine and tighten the screws. In addition, regularly add lubricating oil to prevent the accessories from rusting.

Kepiye cara ngatasi swarane daging sapi lan daging kambing-Pengiris daging domba, pengiris daging sapi, mesin tali domba / daging kambing, mesin tali daging sapi, pemotong sayuran multifungsi, mesin kemasan pangan, pabrik China, pemasok, produsen, grosir