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Sida loola tacaalo sawaxanka hilibka lo’da iyo hilibka hilibka lo’da

How to deal with the noise of hilibka lo’da iyo hilibka hilibka lo’da

1. For beef and mutton slicing machine, you must learn to distinguish different sounds and keep in mind these sounds. If you find that you hear different sounds when shooting arrows, you must stop it and screw on each part. Check the tightness.

2. Guud ahaan, inta badan dhawaaqa aan caadiga ahayn ee hilibka lo’da iyo hilibka hilibka lo’da waxaa sababa boolal dabacsan. Waa lagama maarmaan in la horumariyo caado wanaagsan oo lagu hubinayo qalabka ka hor inta aan la shaqayn, oo fiiro gaar ah u yeelo qaylada aan caadiga ahayn ee mashiinka inta lagu jiro isticmaalka. .

If the beef and mutton slicer makes noise, first check whether the screws are loose. If so, immediately stop the machine and tighten the screws. In addition, regularly add lubricating oil to prevent the accessories from rusting.

Sida loola tacaalo sawaxanka hilibka lo’da iyo hilibka hilibka lo’da-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler