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What are the technical requirements for the use of mutton slicer?

What are the technical requirements for the use of pangiris daging wedhus?

1. Pandhuan kanggo digunakake

Frozen meat slicer mutton slicer adopts single-phase motor matching, adopts high-grade bearings, and installs four blades on the cutter plate, and the slice thickness can be adjusted. Exquisite and beautiful, that is, power saving and safety.

2. Kepiye cara nggunakake

1. Pangaturan

When adjusting, first loosen and fasten the copper column nut, and then turn the nut and the thickness direction on the copper column to adjust. After the thickness is adjusted, the nut and the copper column must be tightened. Do not power on if the turret is parallel to the blade. The knife plate must be lower than the blade of the frozen meat slicer and the mutton slicer can be turned on for cutting.

2. Ganti lading

(1) Lebokake gagang heksagonal menyang bolongan ing sisih mesin, nguripake kanggo nyetel arah disk lan banjur ngganti piso. Nalika ngganti piso, loosen loro ngawut-awut hexagonal agul-agul lan masang agul-agul kanggo ngganti.

(2) Nalika nggunakake slicer daging beku lan slicer mutton, iku uga perlu kanggo mbayar manungsa waé kanggo tansah rubbing lenga ing basin piso supaya tancep. Yen ana buntut tablet lan pecahan sing apik, iki nuduhake yen pelumas ora cocog utawa lading ora cetha, lan kudu diganti utawa ngasah piso.

The use of frozen meat slicer mutton slicer includes some usage skills, using correct operation methods, adjusting accessories, and replacing blades can prolong the service life of frozen meat slicer mutton slicer.

What are the technical requirements for the use of mutton slicer?-Pengiris daging domba, pengiris daging sapi, mesin tali domba / daging kambing, mesin tali daging sapi, pemotong sayuran multifungsi, mesin kemasan pangan, pabrik China, pemasok, produsen, grosir