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What are the technical requirements for the use of mutton slicer?

What are the technical requirements for the use of pangiris daging domba?

1. Pitunjuk pikeun dianggo

Frozen meat slicer mutton slicer adopts single-phase motor matching, adopts high-grade bearings, and installs four blades on the cutter plate, and the slice thickness can be adjusted. Exquisite and beautiful, that is, power saving and safety.

2. Kumaha cara ngagunakeunana

1. Pangaluyuan

When adjusting, first loosen and fasten the copper column nut, and then turn the nut and the thickness direction on the copper column to adjust. After the thickness is adjusted, the nut and the copper column must be tightened. Do not power on if the turret is parallel to the blade. The knife plate must be lower than the blade of the frozen meat slicer and the mutton slicer can be turned on for cutting.

2. Ganti sabeulah

(1) Selapkeun cecekelan héksagonal kana liang di sisi mesin, balikkeun ka nyaluyukeun arah disc lajeng ngarobah péso. Nalika ngarobah péso, loosen dua screws héksagonal sabeulah jeung selapkeun sabeulah pikeun ngaganti.

(2) Lamun ngagunakeun slicer daging beku sarta slicer mutton, éta ogé perlu nengetan salawasna rubbing minyak dina baskom péso ulah nempel. Upami aya buntut tablet sareng sempalan anu saé, éta nunjukkeun yén lelembutan henteu pantes atanapi sabeulahna henteu seukeut, sareng éta kedah diganti atanapi ngasah péso.

The use of frozen meat slicer mutton slicer includes some usage skills, using correct operation methods, adjusting accessories, and replacing blades can prolong the service life of frozen meat slicer mutton slicer.

What are the technical requirements for the use of mutton slicer?-Pengiris Domba, Pengiris Sapi, Mesin Senar Domba/Kambing, Mesin Senar Daging Sapi, Pemotong Sayur Multifungsi, Mesin Pembungkus Makanan, Pabrik Cina, Pemasok, Pabrikan, Grosir