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What are the lubrication methods of beef and mutton slicer?

What are the lubrication methods of уй жана кой этин кескич?

1. According to different working conditions, the beef and mutton slicer adopts three methods: oil cup lubrication, manual oiling and box lubrication. Each roller journal and drive shaft journal of the beef and mutton slicer are lubricated by oil cups.

2. The gears, turbines, lifting screws, movable bearings and screw rods of the lifting adjustment mechanism of the beef and mutton slicer are all lubricated by regular manual oil lubrication. The lubrication of the gears and bearings inside the reducer is by means of lubrication. It is achieved by the splash of oil in the tank.

What are the lubrication methods of beef and mutton slicer?-Козу кескич, уй этин кескич, козу/кой этин кийүүчү жип машина, уй этин кийүүчү жип машина, көп функциялуу жашылча кескич, тамак-аш таңгактоочу машина, Кытай фабрикасы, жеткирүүчү, өндүрүүчү, дүң сатуучу